This is the the one lonely remnant from the last band I played in, Tarn. One of the more interesting projects I've been a part of, we had two female bass players, Julie Lakey and Kerry Densley (Gentry from Ice Burns wife). Headed up by dual lead vocal and guitarists Chris and Dave (don't remember their last names). And me, Chris Wright, on drums. I had a blast with this band as drums are one of my favorite instruments to play. Although my time with the band would be short lived, as I was eventually kicked out! And I deserved it too. This was right around the time when I realized the whole Rock Star thing was quite working out. I decided to go to college and get a real job. I was studying non stop and had a hard time making it to practice and gigs on time (or at all). So I was excused from the band. I cant relay explain the style of music other that it was some sort of Rocky, kind of Sonic Youth, thing.